a generous God...
I continue to be amazed at the simple and unexpected ways God reveals His generosity.

After a weekend of celebrating, vision casting and conversationing at the opening of YMA's new Adelaide office, I was ushered into another experience of God's generosity after our PM church gathering. A woman in her 50s came up to me, and, a little misty-eyed, began to explain how God had prompted her to support our family financially even in the light of her own dubious financial position.
She went on to say that she'd been putting some money away through some sales of the artwork she'd been working on. This was a result of a recently discovered passion she had to create in spite of other Christians suggesting it wasn't the best use of her time. So ... her approach to me seemed to be a significant step of faith ...
I then told her stories of how I'd seen young people's creativity unlocked when we take them through the story of God in IMMERSE ... something happens which I can't explain - when people are given the space to contemplate their way through God's story, they seem to discover the creativity in them that has often lay dormant for some time. The smile I encountered from this lady when I explained this to her will not easily be forgotten. The expression of her God-given creativity would be enabling others to discover and express theirs ... this is the generosity of God ... not found in an amount of money, but in the depths of a woman's heart which is discovering the depths of God's heart for her.
So, for me, the opening of "IMMERSE HQ" (YMA's new Adelaide office) was about more than food, and conversations, and vision-casting (which was all REALLY good fun btw!) ... it was about the generosity of God ... and my hope is that's what the movement of IMMERSE will continue to be about.
After a weekend of celebrating, vision casting and conversationing at the opening of YMA's new Adelaide office, I was ushered into another experience of God's generosity after our PM church gathering. A woman in her 50s came up to me, and, a little misty-eyed, began to explain how God had prompted her to support our family financially even in the light of her own dubious financial position.
She went on to say that she'd been putting some money away through some sales of the artwork she'd been working on. This was a result of a recently discovered passion she had to create in spite of other Christians suggesting it wasn't the best use of her time. So ... her approach to me seemed to be a significant step of faith ...
I then told her stories of how I'd seen young people's creativity unlocked when we take them through the story of God in IMMERSE ... something happens which I can't explain - when people are given the space to contemplate their way through God's story, they seem to discover the creativity in them that has often lay dormant for some time. The smile I encountered from this lady when I explained this to her will not easily be forgotten. The expression of her God-given creativity would be enabling others to discover and express theirs ... this is the generosity of God ... not found in an amount of money, but in the depths of a woman's heart which is discovering the depths of God's heart for her.
So, for me, the opening of "IMMERSE HQ" (YMA's new Adelaide office) was about more than food, and conversations, and vision-casting (which was all REALLY good fun btw!) ... it was about the generosity of God ... and my hope is that's what the movement of IMMERSE will continue to be about.
Give thanks to a generous God, who blesses His children again and again, Give thanks to a generous God, we should never complain, 'cause He blesses His children again and again (nah, nah, nah, nah) etc. Love that song. Love the way he's blessing you guys - and that lady who will be a blessing to so many others as well. Kinda cool huh!Heaps of love to you all down there.