... to the coming generations ...
The young people who carry the gospel to the coming generations will be the young people who have souls. They will be people of prayer, people who know how to be renewed by the spring of God's love. They will be people of hope and humor, people humble enough (and crazy enough) to follow the voice of Jesus. They will be people who are not afraid to look and see and respond to suffering. They will be people who know how to feel - people who grieve, dance with joy, and speak out when they're angry. They will be people who enjoy the company of strangers. They will be people willing to sit and listen to those whose speech, dress, food, and even prayer are different. They will be people who crave truth, even hard truths - people who have the capacity to look at their own shadow, their faults and participation in evil.
These young souls will be people living within the Spirit of Jesus. Like Jesus, they will embody a sense of trust, freedom, and well-being, even in the midst of fear, passivity, and increasing cynicism.
Mark Yaconelli-p257,258, Growing Souls