A missiological shift needs a theological shift ...

What does it mean for the church to be 100% sent?

That was one among many questions at our CCCA leadership summit this week. What needs to happen for followers of Jesus to be seeing themselves and acting as missionaries in the context God has them in?

One of the themes that came out was the need to to be sending people into mission in the context of community as soon as they come to faith - no delay.

I like this - a lot. I long to see first-time followers of Jesus being immediately mobilised, with others, into telling others about Jesus.

My question is - why would they do this? If the faith entry point for people is "a personal relationship with God", then I think their faith entry point implies two things:
1. That their relationship is personal and nobody else needs to know about it.
2. That their relationship with God is an end in itself, and not part of a bigger story.

I'm quietly convinced that a missiological shift in the practice of multiplication means a theological shift in the proclamation of the gospel.

At this stage my own practice of multiplication is yet to convincingly prove this hypothesis - but we're seeing some interesting signs with immerse.

It's time to aim for more than just some interesting signs.


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