don't judge
"Don't judge me"
The cry of a generation.
The trouble is, I make judgements every day.
From where I choose to buy coffee, to which news articles I read.
I am constantly assessing and concluding.
Based upon experiences, principles, trends and value I make informed choices as to how I view the world around me.
I make judgements.
How can I be expected not to?
Perhaps our culture has snatched this word, and what is meant is more like:
- "Don't judge me too quickly."
- "Don't be fooled by your first impressions."
- "Leave room to expand your view."
- "Don't be afraid to embrace my uniqueness."
"Don't judge me!"The danger is, of course, in sloganising the concept of judgement we flatten it out and reduce it to a two-dimensional label.
Without any robust depth. Without nuance. Without self-reflection.
It might even be that the one seeking to avoid judgement is guilty of their own protest - in their mind, limiting the capacity of their subject from being able to make a sound and informed assessment.
They make their own judgement.
Somehow we've come to understand that judgement is about imposing a wrong upon someone, rather than seeking to make things right.
When the character of the one making the judgement is trustworthy, then we need not be afraid of their assessment.
That's why asking God, "Who are you to judge me?" is such an intriguing question.